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Health & Sanitation FAQ

New Rolling Carts FAQs

Can I use my own trash can?
No. The Waste Management trucks are equipped to pick up the rolling cart with an extension arm and the trucks are not compatible with other trash cans.

When will I receive a cart?
Carts will be delivered by waste management in July.

Can I get two rolling carts?
The first rolling cart will be provided free of charge by the city this summer. If you need an additional cart, you can email  h&[email protected] or call 731.425.8545 and they will be issued on a needs basis in August after the initial carts are distributed to everyone in the city. Fees will apply.

The rolling cart issued is 90-96 gallons and much larger than what most households are currently using. We do anticipate most households to only need one cart.

What do I do with large cardboard boxes that do not fit in the rolling cart?
Boxes must be broke down and must be put in a garbage bag and placed at the curb for hand pile services.

What is a hand pile?
A hand pile is a residential pile of yard waste or other residential waste that does not exceed 3 feet high by 5 feet long by 3 feet wide or a maximum of 10 trash bags weighing less than 50 lbs.

What do I do if my trash will not fit?
Excessive garbage will be picked on the next service date when it can be put inside the container. Any household garbage not placed in rolling carts will not be serviced.

Do I have to bring my trash to the curb?
Yes, unless you have filled out a hardship application (insert link) and have been approved by the City of Jackson.

How do I apply for assistance?
Residents with a temporary or permanent hardship or disability can apply for assistance here to continue to receive service at the front of the house. Carts must not be placed in or on porches, patios, decks, garages, carports, or under any awning type structure.

What can I do with my old rolling cart?
If you want to dispose of your old rolling cart, put a sign on it letting the operators know and put it on the curb.

Who should I contact for  solid waste collection?

For questions concerning Waste Management, including "What is my schedule for regular household waste pickup?"

All garbage issues or service requests should be reported to the City of Jackson Health & Sanitation Department at 731-425-8545 or H&[email protected]. Residents receive two pickups a week on Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday. Carts must be placed at the curb no later than 7:00 am on scheduled days, as times of services can vary on routes. Collection schedules may vary because of holidays or weather. Your fee for garbage pickup is included on your monthly Jackson Energy Authority bill.

What is the schedule for residential bulky waste pickup?

Claw trucks operate on a route, averaging one (1) pick-up per month. There are six (6) districts and eight (8) City trucks to service the City of Jackson residents. Click here to view the bulky waste pickup map. Bulky waste is not picked up on a set schedule. When you submit a ticket, staff can let you know when the last truck was in your area and what the estimated turnaround time is for the next pickup. We’ve found that we are able to serve more people, quicker by running bulk waste routes instead of having a rigid schedule by district.

Does the City of Jackson have a recycling program?

Yes, recycling bins are set up on Westwood, at South Jackson Lowes and at North Park for your convenience. Cardboard, paper products, aluminum, and steel cans are the only items being accepted at this time. We do not have a vendor within traveling distance that is willing to take plastic recycle items.

We are not able to offer curbside recycling at this time due to the expenses that taxpayers will incur. We are actively looking for affordable options. 

Will you take my leaves?

Loose leaf pickup service is offered to City of Jackson residents through the Groundskeeping Department from November until March. View maps and guidelines here.

Is there anything you will not pick up?

Any waste generated by a contractor will NOT be collected (e.g. tree trimmers, general construction and carpet installation personnel). Contractors must haul the waste to the landfill.

Residents should be educated about this policy in order to protect themselves from contractor scams.

Shingles, bricks, concrete blocks, dirt, asphalt, gravel, tires and other similar items will not be picked up.

No liquids or flammable or hazardous waste will be picked up. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events are sponsored yearly for disposal of items of this nature.

Can I burn yard waste?

It is unlawful to burn trash, leaves, and other refuse outdoors within the city limits of Jackson. To report illegal burning contact Jackson Fire Department

Do I need to submit a ticket or call for bulky waste pickup?

No, however it is recommended. We will service your house with or without a ticket. We recommend reporting your issue by calling 731-425-8545 or by using the 311 app, to track progress.

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