The MPO welcomes public comments or questions on transportation planning at any time. Comments are accepted by:
E-mail -
Phone - (731) 425-8286
Mail - Jackson Area MPO, 111 East Main Street, Jackson, TN 38301
In person at MPO public meetings
The MPO is required by Federal Law (23 CFR 450.332 - Project selection for implementation) to publish an annual listing of the transportation projects planned in our area that will use federal funding sources. This requirement covers all related projects including roads and transit.
The current obligation report was reviewed by the MPO Executive Board on November 21, 2024 after required public hearing at the same meeting.
Jackson Obligation Report for FY 2024.pdf
What is ITS?
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are the application of electronic technologies and communications to improve the operation of the transportation system. Examples include traffic detectors, cameras, dynamic message signs, and real-time information on traffic conditions and bus locations.
ITS - Intelligent Transportation System Architecture
The Jackson Regional Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architecture provides a long-range plan for the deployment, integration, and operation of ITS in the Jackson Region.
2015 Update
The update of the Jackson Regional ITS Architecture was led by TDOT in coordination with the Jackson Area MPO. The plan was driven by input from local, state, and federal stakeholders in the Jackson Region, including:
• City of Jackson • FHWA Tennessee Division • Jackson Energy Authority • Jackson Transit Authority • Jackson/Madison County Emergency Management Agency • Madison County • Southwest Tennessee Human Resource Agency • TDOT Region 4 • TDOT Long Range Planning Division • TDOT Traffic Operations Division.
The final update was reviewed and approved by TDOT and FHWA in June of 2015.
Regional ITS Architecture and Deployment Plan
Jackson Regional ITS Architecture Executive Summary
Jackson Regional ITS Architecture and Deployment Plan
The Long Range Transportation Plan or LRTP is a multimodal strategy document and capital improvement plan developed to guide local public transportation investments over a 20-30 year period. The plan is required by Federal and State regulations as a condition of transportation funding and grant eligibility. The LRTP also represents a common sense approach to evaluating community needs over the long term to help prioritize the most effective use of limited public funds. The plan is required to be updated every five years to ensure it remains an accurate guide for future transportation investments. The plan may also be amended more frequently as new studies or funding programs may warrant. All plan updates and/or amendments are subject to a public notice and review process. Updates and/or amendments only become official after extensive review, a public hearing and formal adoption by the MPO Executive Board composed of elected officials from Jackson, Madison County, Three Way, and Medon.
Current LRTP
The current plan was developed and adopted in 2022. This plan is available for reference in its entirety here:
Jackson Area MPO 2050 LRTP Final The Transportation Improvement Program or TIP is a federally required four year program of the planned transportation improvements in Jackson and Madison County that are either federally funded or viewed as regionally significant. The current TIP covers federal fiscal years 2023-2026. The new TIP was adopted by the MPO Executive Board on December 1, 2022 after a required public hearing at the same meeting.
FY 2023-2026 TIP can be accessed HERE
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is federally
required for each MPO to document the transportation planning activities
anticipated in the years noted. The current UPWP covers federal fiscal years:
FFY 2024 (October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024) and FFY 2025 (October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025).
The 2024-2025 UPWP was approved by the MPO Executive Board on August 24th, 2023. It can be located HERE.