Residents Will Receive New Rolling Carts This Summer
The new solid waste contract between the City of Jackson and Waste Management will begin August 1, 2021. The City is transitioning to curbside solid waste pickup and will be providing residents with 90-96 gallon rolling carts to collect waste. Residents with a disability can apply for assistance here (insert link). Rolling carts will be delivered in phases starting in July if supply chains allow production to move forward as scheduled.
- One rolling cart will be provided for the deposit of residential waste at each residential unit.
- Carts must be placed in front of the house and on the curb. Pickup from the garage, carport, front area of the residence, etc. will only be available for residents who apply and qualify for disabled service status as determined by the city.
Stays the same:
- Twice a week curbside collection will continue on the same days of the week as before.
- Carts should be placed at the curb before 7 a.m. on scheduled service days.
- Bulk waste pickup will continue to operate via predetermined routes on a rotation.
- Recycling bins at Westwood, South Jackson Lowes and North Park will remain in operation.
- Residents should return carts from the curb to the house on the day of service to keep Jackson clean, control litter and prevent damage to carts.
- All household garbage must be placed in a bag and secured to prevent litter from loose garbage.
- Keep cart and contents under 175 lbs.
- Do not overfill your cart. The lid must close completely to control pests and other nuisances.
- Hand piles are not to exceed 3 ft high x 5 ft long x 3 ft wide or a maximum of 10 bags of waste. Hand pile guidelines can be found here (insert link).
- Do not include hazardous waste products.
Hand Pile Guidelines:
Hand pile: a residential pile of yard waste or other residential waste that does not exceed 3 feet high by 5 feet long by 3 feet wide or a maximum of 10 trash bags weighing less than 50 lbs.
- These items will be collected on your scheduled trash collection days.
- These items may be placed in your cart for collection (lid must be closed) or placed on the ground as close to the cart as possible while allowing a 3 ft space on all sides of the cart.
- Any loose items such as grass clippings, paper products, clothing, etc. should be bagged to keep it from being strown in an effort to keep our city clean.
- Anything outside these parameters will be considered a bulk waste pile and will be serviced on a separate route.
Bulk Waste Basics:
Bulk waste- furniture, loose brush and other waste materials excluding hazardous waste items. Tree trimmers, landlords and other contractors will be required by city ordinance to pick up their own trash and bulk waste and dispose of the same in accordance with city ordinance 17-101.
- Residents paying for any services that require bulk waste disposal becomes the responsibility of the contractor for hauling off the debris.
- Bulk waste should be placed at the curb or at the edge of the roadway as close as possible without blocking sidewalks or sticking out into the lanes of traffic.
- Be aware of the surroundings. Do not place bulk waste close to a mailbox or utility pole.
- Do not place a bulk waste pile under utility lines or near vehicles.
- Do not place paint or other chemicals in your bulk waste pile.
For a list of frequently asked questions, visit the FAQ section on the left side menu. Health and sanitation will be accepting additional questions via facebooklive on the City of Jackson page on June and July. An in-person forum to answer questions is schedule for June at City Hall.
For more information, contact Leilani Mills, Health and Sanitation Director for the City of Jackson h&[email protected] 731.425.8545.