City of Jackson, TN partners with Our Jackson Home for Public Art Community Feedback

JACKSON, Tenn. – The City of Jackson has recently partnered with Our Jackson Home and consultant Dr. Shawn Pitts to plan for the future of public art in Jackson.
As the consultant, Dr. Pitts will be leading the public art planning process that will result in a new five year strategic plan for new public art installations in Jackson.
All residents are welcome to complete the Public Art Feedback Survey on Our Jackson Home’s website as part of this planning process. Our Jackson Home staff will also be setting up an engagement booth at multiple community events now through mid-May, and are asking anyone who passes by to share their feedback for public art in Jackson.
In addition to assisting with public art planning, Our Jackson Home will be building a robust webpage for public art and the Arts District, hosting a free public art workshop for local artists, and installing new artwork Downtown.
“The City is excited to enter into these partnerships in order to create more public art that is representative of every aspect of Jackson,” said City of Jackson, TN Community Development Coordinator Claire Pierson.
“Our Jackson Home has always elevated the voices of our community through the work and creativity of artists. We know that this public art partnership will increase opportunities for artists and strengthen our community, which directly aligns with our goals and vision,” said Lizzie Emmons, Program Director of Our Jackson Home.
About Dr. Shawn Pitts:
Dr. Shawn Pitts is an arts advocate and nonprofit leader based in West Tennessee. Shawn is a founding director of Arts in McNairy, a visionary small arts agency which has been widely recognized as a model for cultural development. He has worked as a private consultant for more than twenty years. HIs wide-ranging cultural activities include nonprofit grant writing, speaking and publishing on cultural subjects, directing cultural assessment and preservation efforts, and producing records and short films. Shawn has served on the boards of Tennessee Arts Commission, Humanities Tennessee, The Tennessee Folklore Society, and a number of other community and cultural development agencies.