JACKSON, Tenn. – Residents of the City of Jackson have a new way to communicate with Fire Service personnel responding to their residential and commercial locations. Community Connect is a new platform which will allow residential members of the community to provide information to the Jackson Fire Department regarding topics such as: family members with exceptional needs (autism, deaf/hard-of-hearing, physical handicap, etc); entry access (door codes, unusable doors, fences); family meeting places; children and/or pets in the home; and resident/keyholder contact information.
Homeowners will also be able to request free smoke detectors through a State grant program if they lack working, in-date smoke detectors and do not have the means to replace them on their own.
This platform will also aid business owners in the community by allowing them to request certain inspections at their property, register keyholder contacts, and provide hazardous material and fire alarm information.
How does this information aid first responders? The Jackson Fire Department is utilizing a cloud-based response software which pushes incident information to the fire trucks when a call for service is received. During their response, members of the JFD will have access to your provided information to allow them to better serve you.
We want you to know that registering for Community Connect is easy and safe! To register, visit https://fire.jacksontn.gov. Click the “JFD Community Connect” tile, and you will be redirected to our Community Connect landing page. From there, select either the “Residents” or “Business Owners” option, choose “Register” and sign-up! A working email address is required for registration and activation of your Community Connect account. You can rest assured that your information is protected using banking-level encryption beginning the moment you register.
Only one account may be created per address and apartment/suite. This program is open to everyone regardless of your status as a homeowner, renter, or business/building owner. That means it is even available if you rent an apartment or lease a business suite! Once you sign up, you will be able to browse your own Community Connect portal and provide relevant information. You will be prompted annually to review and verify your current information.
The Jackson Fire Department is excited about this new way to connect with and better serve the community we protect! This is yet another way the JFD strives to provide the highest level of service and protection to each one of you – so head on over and connect with us today!