Notice is hereby given that the Jackson Area MPO Technical Staff will hold a meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 10:30 A.M. at City Hall in the Ben Langford Meeting Room, 1st Floor, 101 East Main Street.
Any interested person may attend the meeting and make known his or her views with respect to the matters before the Technical Staff. Any person wanting to provide public comment at the meeting shall express their desire to do so in person at the meeting during the public comment portion of the agenda.
The Public Comments portion of the MPO Technical Staff meeting is not a forum for debate but is simply an opportunity for interested persons to speak on any matter relating to the Technical Staff agenda.
Persons wishing to address the Technical Staff shall email their name, address and the agenda matter(s) on which they wish to comment to
[email protected].
Additionally, a sign in sheet will be available five (5) minutes prior to the meeting. Persons addressing the Technical Staff shall have no more than three (3) minutes on any matter or matters.
For the Agenda,
click here.