JACKSON, Tenn. -- The City of Jackson Police Department will begin issuing tickets to vehicles that violate the parking time constraints for on-street parking in downtown Jackson.
“Prior to 2018, the downtown parking limit was enforced; it has only been in recent years that enforcement has changed,” said Mayor Scott Conger. “With increased storefront businesses downtown, there have been requests to monitor on-street parking and encourage Downtown employees to utilize city lots outside the core. After exploring other parking enforcement options, it was decided that using the signage and system already in place would be the best starting point for improved Downtown parking.”
The City of Jackson currently offers free parking in five city parking lots in the downtown area. Those lots are located:
- Southwest corner of North Highland and West Lafayette
- West Main St. between Riverside Dr. and West Alley
- Northeast corner of North Highland and East College St.
- Southeast corner of North Church St. and East College St.
- East Baltimore between Liberty St. and Church St.
The Jackson Police Department will issue permits to landlords and residents living downtown allowing lessees to park on the street without adhering to the time limit. Each vehicle registered will be assigned an individual number that will list the lessee's name, address, apartment number, vehicle make, model, color, and license number. Each lessee applying for the issuance of a parking permit must present a valid receipt for the current license plate and Jackson city sticker for the vehicle for which the permit is requested.