JACKSON, Tenn. – Following the success of the first Community Clean-up Mattress, Tire, and Furniture Disposal event, the City of Jackson, TN’s Health and Sanitation Department and Keep Jackson Beautiful will hold its second Community Clean-up Day on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at two new locations.
“I am thrilled that we are able to hold a second community clean-up disposal event and tarp giveaway for our city,” said City of Jackson, TN Recycling Coordinator Robin Chance. “I hope that these events continue to help curb illegal dumping.”
Over 200 items, including mattresses, old furniture, and tires, were properly disposed of during the first event on August 20, at Muse Park and Jackson Fairgrounds Park.
“I want to commend our Health and Sanitation Department employees. They are truly unsung heroes for our city. Their dedication to assist in keeping our city beautiful often is second to none,” said Mayor Scott Conger. “I also hope that more of our residents take advantage of this second event.”
This free event for City of Jackson, TN residents, sponsored by West Tennessee Healthcare, will be held from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm at two locations:
North Jackson: West Tennessee Healthcare North Hospital (parking lot)
367 Hospital Blvd., Jackson, TN 38305
South Jackson: Malesus Park (Old Malesus Road Parking Lot by baseball fields)
412 Bolivar Highway, Jackson, TN 38301.
Event Guidelines:
- Event is free for city of Jackson Residents
- No Commercial Businesses
- 4 Tires per vehicle
- Furniture (including recliners, couches will be accepted)
- No appliances
In addition, H&S and KJB will participate in a second “Tarp Your Load” event sponsored by Keep Tennessee Beautiful and the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s Nobody Trashes Tennessee Campaign. At least 75 tarps will be given away to the first 75 residents of Jackson with trucks and trailers who attend the community clean-up event.