Notice is hereby given that the City of Jackson, Tennessee Beer Board, will meet Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. in the City Council Conference Room at City Hall, 101 East Main Street, to consider the following applications for a beer license:
Fred Cunningham, for Special Occasion, known as West Tennessee State Fair, to sell, store, and serve on September 10-15th, 2024, at Jackson Fairgrounds Park.
Tracey McKnight, for Special Occasion, known as Friends of Heart, to sell, store, and serve on August 3, 2024 at Carl Perkins Civic Center.
Adrian Sanders, for Special Occasion, for a July 4th Event, to sell, store, and serve on July 6, 2024, at Picture Perfect Event Center.
Stanley Cothren Jr., for a business known as Icehouse of Jackson, located at 112 E. Baltimore Street, Jackson, TN., for selling, storing, and serving on the premises where sold.