JACKSON, Tenn. – In celebration of Women’s History Month, 31 women were recognized as 2023 Influential Women of Jackson, TN, on March 8, 2023 at City Hall.
“For the past couple of years we have recognized women of our city who continue to lead a path of success in Jackson,” said Mayor Scott Conger. “This year is no different. As we celebrate International Women’s Day today, I am honored to recognize 31 additional influential women."
The 31 women who will be recognized include Olivia Abernathy, Tausha Alexander, Judy Arrington, Leigh Anne Bentley, Karley Bond, Vicki Burch, Collene Commage, Julie Cooke, Amy Crenshaw, Lizzie Emmons, Anna Esquivel, Beth Haltom, Dr. Melinda Harris, Trista Havner, Kimberly Jones, Wendy Trice Martin, Keli McAlister, Lendon Noe, Susie Oliver, Rhonda Pettigrew, Susan Price, Regina Richmond, Mary Ross, Lauren Saliba, Janet Silver, Terica Smith, Mary Taylor, Linda Truex, Jackie Utley, Ella Watkins, and Georgia Anne Wright.
Trunetta Atwater served as the guest speaker for today’s event. Atwater was a 2022 Influential Women recipient and founder of SOUL Collective.
Each of the women received gift bags and a recognition certificate.
We would like to thank gift bag sponsors: Buff City Soap of Jackson, TN, Made on Acorn Hill, Wisdom House Company, and Blanc and Noire Skincare.

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