JACKSON, Tenn. — The City of Jackson, TN Street Department is implementing a new district-based street repair structure to enhance efficiency and reduce turnaround times for pothole repairs.
Under this updated approach, repair crews will be assigned to specific districts on designated days of the week. This proactive system is expected to streamline operations, improve service delivery, and maximize cost efficiency for the department.
“This new schedule is a significant step toward improving how we address street repairs in the city. By focusing on specific areas each day, we can work more efficiently and make better use of our resources,” said Mayor Scott Conger. “I want to thank the Street Department crews for their dedication and hard work. Their commitment to excellence make a difference for our city every day.”
Starting February 3, 2025, the weekly schedule for street repair crews will be as follows:
While this new structure prioritizes district-specific repairs, the Street Department will continue to address reported issues citywide. Residents can submit repair requests through multiple channels including email, Ready 311, claims, and other reporting systems. Crews will remain flexible and responsive to urgent issues, ensuring concerns are handles promptly and efficiently regardless of their location.
"The transition to a district-based street repair structure in the City of Jackson will streamline repair efforts by ensuring dedicated crews are focused on specific areas each day, improving response times and efficiency," said City of Jackson, TN Public Works Director Austin Clark. "By implementing a predictable weekly schedule, residents can better anticipate when repairs will take place in their neighborhoods, fostering greater transparency and accountability."
The City of Jackson appreciates the community’s patience and cooperation as this new schedule takes effect. For question or additional information, please contact our Ready 311 Call Center by dialing 3-1-1 from your mobile phone or visit our Street Department website at https://www.jacksontn.gov/government/publicworks/street.